Arrival Information


Thank you for booking at Woodsworth Exploring, we hope you are looking forward to enjoying the unique ecology and wildlife in our woodland.

We thought some details about your stay would be handy so you know what to expect and you can make the most of it.

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Woodsworth Exploring

Branshaw Plantation
Slaymaker Lane

BD22 7EU



Arrivals are between 14:00 and 19:00, be aware the daylight fades fast after sunset so it’s worth arriving at least an hour before sunset whenever possible.
When you get to the gate (which should be locked) give us a call on 07434666527 and we’ll come to let you in and do a short induction to giving you details about our site (this takes about 5-10 minutes and everyone that is staying on site needs to attend).

We strongly recommend packing as light as possible. As we are a ‘nearly wild’ camping site, and the pitches are between 100 and 400 metres from the carpark. Boots or wellies are recommended too as the woodland trails can be muddy at times.

Arrivals outside of the hours 14:00 to 19:00 will be accommodated where possible, subject to an additional fee. Please contact us on 07434666527 at the earliest opportunity to inform us if you think you’ll arrive outside of the standard hours.

Fires and cooking

Fire wood and fire pits are available on site, the prices are published on our website. On your first day there will be a fire safety talk, which you will need to attend before you can light a fire or BBQ.

Please note that any personal firepits you wish to bring need to have a minimum of 150mm air gap between the base of the fire and the ground.
Whilst we might have the odd grill around, our firepits do not have them provided so you may wish to bring one if you want to cook on an open fire.

Small gas stoves are allowed on site, please do not bring gas stoves with a gas cylinder larger than 2.5Kgs. During the induction, we will ask you what type of stove you have on site this is so we know where any fuel supplies are on site and so that we can check you have the equipment needed to keep it safe.

campfire cooking


On your departure day please pack up, leaving no trace by 12 noon.

Your recycling bags (we’ll give you these on arrival) should be left by the toilet block. Any excess waste beyond what will fit in the recycling bags provided should be taken away with you.

Places to eat in the area

The Turkey Inn at Goose Eye

Mill Stack Café in Oakworth

Waggon & Horses Inn at Oxenhope

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Thank you

Thanks again for booking with us,

Duncan, Emma and the team at Woodsworth Exploring.